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Why I Alone Should Hold On To Values!

Often get discouraged by the declining moral standards in the world…

Ever had been in dilemma or doubts that your qualities, your value system is not something important to hold on at! Since every other person around you surprises you with their declining moral standards.

Does it forces you to copy their behaviour or become a reflection of way someone behaves with you?

Ever thought what kind of world we will end up with if we start giving revenge for being revengeful, turning more negative after encounter with a negative person! and only behave or believe in doing good when we encounter good from others.

It’s quiet right to say that every human encounter can leave us with a feeling of bitterness, sweetness, inspired, egoistic, angry, frustrated, loved, calmer, confident, motivated, understood and so on based on interaction with them. Experiencing these feelings is ok since there was an energy exchange while you communicating but keeping these feelings for life long with you and letting them effect your rest of life will be a question you can ask yourself!

To be our better versions, we don’t need to gain much, but we just need to ensure we don’t lose what we already have — Our Virtues.

Each time we copy someone’s incorrect behaviour, thinking this is how the world is! I should better start behaving like this too else my goodness will be used against me always is a mistake we do. Doing so, you may reap short term benefits for sure! But gradually you start moving away from your virtues, start not trusting your own good qualities.

Remember, that your values, moral excellence, so called qualities and ethics are your biggest strengths. Even if no one around you is using them and think they don’t work in this modern age world — let’s not give up on them!

Goodness & virtues starts showing its impact slowly just like adding spices to food, flavours it gradually.

How to find or uncover your virtues?

Time you have lived on earth has layered you with many experiences — both good and bad. You need to work on un-layering or unburdening yourself with so called World’s experiences and come out finding your true self.

You can always work to uncover hidden, un recognised virtues in you — Yes! the one for which you say I want to do this but my inner conscious is stopping me to do so and I am so confused who should I listen to!

And once you figure out and start living, practicing your virtues in real life, independent of people & situations around you — you will see your value system will reflect your Powerful Personality!

Fear not! what is not real never was and never will be. What is real always was and cannot be destroyed!

I wish all of you figure out the hidden values in you and stop copying & layering yourself with how the World around you is behaving. Trust yourself & your superpowers which you have lost over time. You will come out nice, shiny, powerful & more loving as you do so.

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