Yoga & Meditation – Rise With Rajani Rajani Wed, 18 Jan 2023 10:01:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ‘Wings’ To Know Your ‘True Self’ — Meditation & Selfless Service Wed, 18 Jan 2023 10:01:53 +0000 Story of meditating being a server…

Ever imagined how a bird flies? It needs two working wings in finer balance with each other for a good flight. Do you think it can fly with one broken wing?

Same is case with meditation, it’s incomplete if you don’t do service. It adds more merits & good experience to your meditation. When you bring relief and freedom to someone through service, good vibrations and blessings come to you.

You were born with WINGS, Why prefer to CRAWL through life?

I am going to share with all of you my beautiful experience of being a Dhamma Sevak this time and feel honoured and privileged enough to help run this particular Vipassana meditation batch. Trust me it was not easy task plus a path full of learnings (Understanding human behaviour & psychology even better along with some real good practical exposure to dealing with all sorts of situations on the go).

Do you often feel humanity is in deep sleep and sinking in ego battles? Try practicing selfless service for once! 🙂 You may end up checking your patience towards people behaviour & demands.

Do you feel your mental batteries are drained & you lack required strength & courage? Try practicing meditation — Turn inwards towards your true self!

Keep reminding yourself: I am working so that others may benefit from the Dhamma. Let me help them by setting a good example, and in doing so, help myself as well.”

We have to educate and culture our individual consciousness to expand over time with knowledge — to change from “What about me?” to “What can I contribute?”

भवतु सब्ब मंगलम् — Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life….Vipassana meditation @Dharamashala, India

Few Learnings being a Dhamma Sevak / Server:

  1. What you see outside might not be the case inside. External looks are so deceiving. What is going inside everyone, can make you feel surprised in all possible ways!
  2. People do change gradually if you keep giving them balm of compassion, kindness and a listening ear. Of course it’s a game of time & patience.
  3. You tend to look around all kind of sickness which shows up in human behaviour as you interact with them.

As it’s said — Correct your mental actions. Mind is first and foremost. Deeds of the body and speech are offspring of mind.

4. It’s an opportunity to express gratitude by helping people as they learn Dhamma, without expecting anything in return.

5. Helps dissolving the habit of egotism in you.

Discover real peace & harmony with yourself and naturally this will overflow to benefit others…..

Well coming back to how everyone was feeling in first 5 days of the course 🙂

I was able to sense pain, panic & a wave of slight dis-comfort specifically in new students in meditation hall from Day 2 till Day 5 as everyone was undergoing a chance to meet themselves in so many years. All possible old Sankharas (संस्कार) were bubbling up of-course mix of good & discomforting-one’s. Patience & giving oneself the required time was the only key to reach ultimate destination to kill all the misery around.

I had to practice my learnings of all these years of consulting, influencing, persuading, collaborating, conveying just right to make everyone sit tight with patience to meet the fruits of labour as everyone completed 10 days.

Also since everything is momentary. It has a phase which comes and goes — how long it stays depends on you! Give it some time with full faith, patience to work towards a solution.

Quiet cyclic in nature — Anger comes and goes away, similarly darkness can not be forever, sun will rise next day bringing more light, love & brightness.

Change occur in stages, phases. Each adding depth, color & character. Ultimately creating multidimensional & multifaceted beautiful you!

You need to learn to enjoy the phase of being a ‘caterpillar’ and not just the being ‘butterfly’. And learning to be “Equanimous (समभाव) in every situation” is biggest take away.

Think of it like this:

If nothing ever changed there would be no such thing as BUTTERFLY. Butterfly symbolises acceptance & deep faith that everything is happening for larger good with each new phase of life.

Similarly sitting in meditation for hours requires lot of patience, faith, going through that pain of sitting in Adishthaan (आधिष्ठान) position aka position of Establishment.

Having all that learning to be in Equanimity (समभाव) as you pass through good and painful feelings helps you to wash away all the Old Sankharas (संस्कार) — making you reach Nibban (Nirvana) aka state of complete happiness and peace.

Adishthaan & Nirvana; I am divine, connected, expressive, loved, strong, creative & safe always!

Last but not the least, I feel everyone should try doing Seva once in lifetime. If you can do more — nothing like it!

It will give you practical experience of many leadership, people management and other so required management lessons. No theory or certification can teach you that.

As I always believe you learn more by practicals than sitting in a classroom, reading theory 🙂

Hope all of you get the right, balanced working wings when time comes for you. If the reading was worth it, please don’t forget to like.

भवतु सब्ब मंगलम्

May all being be happy!

Thanks much! More love & compassion to each reader 🙂

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Road to Ultimate Bliss — Meditation! Wed, 18 Jan 2023 09:51:57 +0000 Basic Tips for all beginner fellows who have interest and willingness to learn Art of Meditating….

Quiet the MIND and the SOUL will Speak!

After meditating for last 10 years. Travelling, Exploring & Learning different forms of meditation in India. Also Googling, You-tubing, Reading, Meeting so many other meditators, Gurus, I was able to teach myself this great art. Seva Bhav aka Services become inherent part of you if you get touched by right energies. I had taught this art to many in need and almost eating up entire possible internet content on this topic — I understood that this is the ultimate cure of all modern day diseases & its such a soothing balm. I can also say, it’s THE BEST MEDICINE for all issues. It works and sorts all issues at possible human states — Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual state….

I feel pride that I have learnt, experienced & achieved a state where I understood this divine connection of our beautifully designed body with the positive energies around us & ultimately with our Universe.

Why this blog?

I am writing this to help all those who have all sorts of basic beginner level questions on “Meditation”. I am trying to make it easy for all of you to at-least start practicing it daily…

Q1: How to Start?

First of all, you need to have an intention to learn it as it requires tremendous patience and WillPower to sit and do nothing 🙂 Think of how many times in your life you have actually done that before! For most of us nowadays having free time means either Netflix, WhatsApp or any Social Media platform updates/gossips..

Just be PRESENT in the moment and keep signalling your brain, your inner consciousness that I am aware and fully present in this moment. Living, Breathing, Enjoying this moment….

Stay calm, Stay AS IS and try NOT to think anything. A state with No Thoughts — Simply sitting in most comfortable posture you can be in.

If you have just started, having a Quiet place is boon.

You can also use some light, soothing instrumental music to help you stay in that position for long.

Silence isn’t EMPTY, it’s FULL OF ANSWERS…. 🙂

Try 10 mins initially and gradually increasing this time to 30 mins, an hour and so on…depending on your own willingness & ability to learn & sit in a certain posture.

Q2: What is Meditation?

Meditation is an ancient practice that is believed to have originated in India several thousand years ago. Throughout early history, the practice was adopted by neighbouring countries quickly and formed a part of many religions throughout the world.

Meditation is an ancient technique used since thousands of years to develop awareness of the present momentIn midst of demanding, busy & stressful life it teaches the art to bring yourself back to roots — Back To Inner Balance.

A state where all Universal energies play right. In synch With The COSMOS, With YOURSELF which eventually helps you feel happy, lighter & more energetic and adds more years to life.

It’s just like charging your phone batteries everyday. Since we humans even need right amount of energy to carry out our day at our best level.

Feel the feeling but don’t become the emotion. Witness it, Allow it and Release it…

Quick view of Sleep vs Meditation (however both are equally important): With sleep consciousness is suspended on contrary while meditating mind is purposefully focussed and hence more aware resulting into increased level of healing hence ultimately increasing brain memory & overall brain health. Once own MIND is in CONTROL, all of us know — no one can stop us from achieving what we want in life.

Q3: What benefits will it give me short & long term?

A person doing right form of meditation can achieve state of having Asht Shakti i.e. 8 Super Powers.

Remember: You can’t always change situations. You can never change other people. The only thing YOU CAN CHANGE IS YOURSELF.

  • The power to withdraw is the ability to step back and disengage from the world around you
  • The power to pack up is the ability to bring things to an end and to stop wasteful thinking
  • The power to accommodate is the ability to expand and accept the presence, ideas and desires of others.
  • The power to discriminate is the ability to discern the subtle, and separate what is true from what is false.
  • The power of judgment is the ability to assess the quality of choices, decisions and actions in yourself and in others.
  • The power to face is the ability to confront and resolve external and internal obstacles, tests and challenges.
  • The power to co-operate is the ability to give attention, time, experience and wisdom in the service of others and to work alongside them.
  • The power to tolerate is the ability to respond to external and internal events positively, yet not be affected by them.

Other Long term benefits include:

Meditation improves physical health by boosting the immune functions, regulating hormonal discharge, and decreasing cellular inflammation.

Researchers even found that long-term meditators had more disease-fighting chemicals in their body than non-meditators or beginners did.

Long-term effects of meditation even show signs of elevated brain activity within the cerebral regions associated with relaxation, happiness, concentration, self-awareness, and other positive emotions and qualities.

Slow Down, Calm Down, Don’t Worry, Don’t Hurry…….Trust the Process!

Let’s try it out right now to see the magic!

  1. Let’s practice to sit for 10 mins in this very moment.
  2. Pick up a comfortable position for yourself.
  3. Use instrumental flute music or guided meditation if you are new in this game (you can get plenty on Spotify, Youtube, many meditation apps like — Calm, Headspace, Unplug etc).
  4. Stay in the present, right in this very moment. Whenever you feel your mind is over powering you with thoughts, keep telling it to come back into this moment.
  5. Keep a phone timer for 10 mins so that you know when to finish.

Hope this blog helps you start with meditation on the right note! If you enjoyed reading it, feel free to drop a like.

I wish more bliss & more meditation hours to all of you. May you all crack the code of getting aligned with right & positive energies in your life and relations.

If you have any question, drop them here! I would be happy to answer them back.

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